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Milo;Loner Empty Milo;Loner

Post by Naruto Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:52 pm

Name: Milo (Likes to be called Mile)[/b]
Age: 7 moons
Affiliate: Loner
Cat-Apprentice age

Looks:Milo is a small tom for his age, being even smaller than his sister, Eclipse. He has medium-length pale ginger, almost yellow, fur with darker stripes running along his sides, back, and tail. He has a white chest and white-tipped paws, and a dark ginger stripe that comes down his forehead until it comes to a tapered end in-between his eyes. His eyes are a bright golden, normally sparkling with determination or anger. He has white tipped ears and black claws.

Personality:Confident and determined, sometimes very stubborn or cocky. Mile gets angered easily and will rush straight into battle if even a word is muttered about his stature. He is very close to his sister, and though he wouldn't admit it, he would die to protect them. He is very much against killing, and would gladly kill anyone who murders for "Fun", only with little hesitance. He does fear some things, though, like a cat who is better than him at fighting, but only because of the possibility of death and having to leave his sisters behind, unable to protect them. Exagerrates a lot, and sometimes can tell the most unbelievable stories. He is sometimes over-protective over his sisters, as his brother died soon after birth and his mother died defending them.

History:Milo was born with his mother and two sisters. At a very young age he was hit with a mysterious illness that nearly cost him his life, and it affected his growth rate. He has never
seen his father, and never heard about him either, as his mother never talked about him. He has no interest in learning who his father is, because he abandoned his mother.
Eclipse had always been the more go-with-the-flow type, not really
arguing much about stupid choices or making suggestions. To this day he and sisters Eclipse and Sera live around the Clan's. They do run into the random warrior at
time to time but have always made it out.

Warning System : Milo;Loner WarningBar-Gloss1
Posts : 5543
Points : 5865
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-07-12
Age : 27
Location : ThunderClan Camp

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Milo;Loner Empty Re: Milo;Loner

Post by Noname Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:55 pm


Warning System : Milo;Loner WarningBar-Gloss1
Posts : 2160
Points : 2084
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2009-07-15
Age : 1924
Location : asdfawegerhdfykjiuojbhvmvdsfvb

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